Step 1: Start Creating a Client

  1. In the Main Menu click Client Management.
  2. Click Clients.
  3. Click Add Client.
  4. Alternative: click the Quick Links (+) menu then click Add Client/Lead.
  5. Enter first and last name (required) and any other information you have available.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Add Contact Detail to add additional information such as:
    Client Referral name
    Email Addresses
    Fax numbers
    Referral Group (primarily used for leads)
    Reward Programs (frequent flier numbers, etc.)
    Phone Numbers
  8. Be sure to click Save after each new entry.

Step 2: Add Notes

  1. Click the Notes tab.
  2. Click Add Note.
  3. Enter any notes you would like to have attached to this client.
    Tip: There is also a notes tab in Trips, if the note pertains to a specific trip consider adding it there instead.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the Search field, you can find previously entered notes.

Step 1: Add Relatives

  1. Click Client Management in the Main Menu then click Clients.
  2. Search for your client in the fields at the top of each column if needed.
  3. Click on the Client Name you want to manage.
  4. Click Add Relative.
  5. Choose the Relationship type.
  6. Type the relative's name.
    If the relative is already in your client list, TESS will find it and you can just click their name.
    If the relative is not in TESS click "Create a new one!" and complete the form.
  7. Click Save after each new relative.
You can add relatives from either direction. Each person is a client in TESS, and you can book travel for each of them individually or together.

Step 2: Add Credit Cards

  1. On the same Tracking tab, click Add Credit Card.
  2. Enter the credit card details, including the name as it appears on the card.
  3. If you will be tracking multiple cards for this client, use the Default checkbox to indicate which is primary.
  4. If the address for the card is the same as your client's address, click the checkbox to default the values, or type in the correct address.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the Decrypt link to view the full card number.
    Credit cards in TESS are stored and transmitted as encrypted values.
    As soon as you leave this page the decrypted value is cleared.
  7. Click the Update or Delete buttons to manage stored cards.

Step 1: Import Clients

  1. From your client list, click the Import/Export button in the upper right corner.
  2. Click Import Clients.
  3. Download the TESS template, or use your own.
  4. When your template is ready, drag and drop it inside the dotted lines, or click Select Import File to browse for it on your computer.
  5. Your file should look something like this. First and Last Names are required.
  6. If you include birthday or anniversary dates, make sure they are valid dates (for example, Sep.15 and 2/30/2000 are both invalid dates).
    Make sure you do not have any blank lines in your file.
  7. If you used the TESS template, the fields should match automatically, if not just choose the field in the drop-down list that matches the field on the form.
  8. If you are missing any of the fields that are not required, choose Unavailable from the list.
  9. Click Import.
    You should get a confirmation of success with a green check mark.
    If you get an error and a red X, double check to make sure you do not have any missing names or invalid dates.
    If you do not see what is causing your error, send your file to and we will help you import it.

Step 2: Export Clients

  1. From your client list, click the Import/Export button in the upper right corner.
  2. Click Export to Excel.
    The Excel file will be downloaded automatically. Where it shows up varies depending on the browser you are using.
    For Chrome it will usually show up at the bottom of your window.
    If you have Excel installed, you can open the file directly in Excel.
  3. To open the file in Google Sheets, go to then click the plus (+) icon.
  4. Click File.
  5. Click Import.
  6. Click the Upload tab.
  7. Drag and drop the Excel file inside the dotted lines.
  8. Click Import data.

Step 1: Referral Groups

  1. From the main menu under Client Management, click Client Leads.
  2. Click Add Referral Group.
    In TESS, leads are managed through Referral Groups.
    A group can be anything that makes sense for the way you manage clients.
    Events, websites, dates, etc.
  3. Name your Referral Group.
    You can have as many Referral Groups as you need.
  4. Click Save.

Step 2: Import Leads

  1. Next to the Referral Group Name, click the Import/Export button.
  2. Click Import Leads.
    Importing leads works exactly the same as importing clients, so if go back up and review that section for more detail on importing data.
    The only difference is that client leads do require first name, last name, AND email address.

Step 3: Managing Leads

  1. Search for leads across referral groups using any of the available search fields.
  2. Add individual leads manually with the Add Lead button.
  3. Open a lead to update or convert it by clicking on the first name.
  4. Convert a lead to a client by simply clicking the button.
  5. Leads can also be added to trips, which will automatically convert them to clients.
    Inside a trip, Click Add Traveler.
  6. Search for the lead name.
  7. In parenthesis next to the name, you can see that the person is a lead.
  8. Be sure to click Save to add them to the trip.